MIT Logo Nuts and Bolts of New Ventures MIT Course 15.393
Nuts and Bolts of New Ventures - 2025
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Session 1 - Tuesday 1/21/2025
Session 2 - Wed 1/22/2025
Session 3 - Thurs 1/23/2025
Session 4 - Tues 1/28/2025
Session 5 - Wed 1/29/2025
Session 6 - Thurs 1/30/2025
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Writing Requirement
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Course History
IAP 2025 Course 15.393 - Nuts and Bolts of New Ventures

Purpose of Course
The nuts and bolts of preparing a New Venture Plan and launching the venture will be explored in this 36th annual course offering. The course is open to members of the M.I.T. Community and to others interested in entrepreneurship. It is particularly recommended for persons who are interested in starting or are involved in a new business or venture. Because some of the speakers will be judges of the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, persons who are planning to enter the Competition should find the course particularly useful.  Pre-registration is required for Credit or to Listen.   In the past approximately 50% of the class has been from MIT Engineering,Science and Architecture Schools and 50% from the Sloan School of Management. Topics covered are applicable to for-profit as well as social and development ventures. The course is open on a space available basis to persons outside the M.I.T. community. We typically have around 150 students registered for the course with another 100 to 150 additional participants from other colleges, businesses, non-profit and government organizations.

Dates, Times and Locations:

Academic Credit

  • MIT students may take this course for 3 units of Pass/Fail Credit.
  • Attendance at each session is required (unless otherwise approved) and the writing requirement must be fulfilled.
  • To obtain credit you also must officially register for the course with the MIT Registar's office.   In addition also be sure to sign up for the course email list in order to obtain the latest course information.



Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, One Amherst Street, E40-160, Cambridge, MA 02142
©1989 - , Joseph G. Hadzima, Jr., All Rights Reserved